May 6, 2018

About MDLA

The Maryland Distance Learning Association (MDLA) is an association of learning professionals who advocate and promote the coordination and use of distance education in Maryland and throughout the region. MDLA members represent more than two dozen organizations, including higher education institutions and corporate partners. Our focus is to provide professional development, networking, and collaborative opportunities for educators in K-12, higher education, and business settings.

Welcome Letter from the MDLA Board

Welcome! eLearning and digital education have experienced transformational changes in the past few years, extending their reach into formal K-12 and higher education, corporate and non-profit settings, and government. The Maryland Distance Learning Association is a leader in this changing landscape, providing enrichment and professional development opportunities throughout Maryland. It is composed of educators, administrators, and leaders in the field of digital education, whose goal is the promotion of quality, innovative eLearning.

Please consider joining our organization and contributing to our efforts. MDLA’s events are wonderful opportunities to connect and build personal learning networks with colleagues passionate about eLearning and digital education.

Thank you for visiting our site, and we hope to see you at one of our events.


To convene members and provide opportunities for affordable, professional growth in technology-enhanced teaching and learning.


To empower members to transform education through professional growth and collaboration.


The Maryland Distance Learning Association is a non-profit association formed to promote the development and application of distance learning to education, training, research, business, and communications in Maryland.

Adopted: April 18, 2001
Revised: April 4, 2001
Ratified: May 31, 2001
Revised: November 14, 2002
Ratified November 22 , 2002
Revised December 31, 2023
Ratified May 9, 2024

ARTICLE I Membership

Section 1. Qualifications and Dues
Membership in MDLA will be maintained via payment of annual dues for the designated membership year in the amounts voted upon by a majority of the membership either at a general membership meeting or through an emailed ballot. The Annual dues shall be determined by the MDLA Board and recommended to membership. The membership year shall be July 1 through June 30. Membership classifications include;

  • Individual
  • Institutional
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • For-Profit Organizations

Under Article I, Section I of the By-Laws, applicants shall submit a completed online membership application form for consideration by the Finance and Membership Committees.

Section 2. Prerequisite to Participation
Participation as an officer, committee member, or voting member in the Maryland Distance Learning Association shall be contingent upon valid membership.

Section 3. Membership Meeting
There shall be two regular membership meetings per year, one held at the Spring Conference. Notification of the date and place of such meeting shall be given both verbally and communicated by mail to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to such meetings.

Section 4. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Board Chair, initiated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, or upon a petition filed with the Board by at least ten percent of the membership. The date and place of any such special membership meeting shall be communicated via e-mail by the Board to the members at least two weeks prior to the holding of such special meeting.

Section 5. Annual Meeting/Conference
An annual meeting and/or conference of at least one day shall be held each year during the spring.

Section 6. Parliamentary Procedure
Membership meetings shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 7. Quorum
A quorum shall consist of five percent (5%) of the membership.

ARTICLE II Board of Directors

Section 1. Number, Tenure, and Qualifications
The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members, elected for different terms and at different times, by the Membership of MDLA, and shall be finalized by the close of the annual meeting/conference. Additionally, a representative from MarylandOnline shall serve on the Board as a non-voting member. Each member of the Board of Directors shall be nominated and elected as hereinafter provided. 

  • Tenure for the Board of Directors is as follows: Three years for each position with rolling elections for three positions every year. Board members can serve for no more than two consecutive terms totaling six (6) years.

The Board of Directors will select a Chair from the Board Membership. 

  • Tenure for the Board Chair is as follows: A one (1) year term and can be reappointed for a second consecutive year.  The Chair can serve in that role for no more than two (2) consecutive years.
    • NOTE: Should the Chair serve in the third year of their first term on the Board they must be re-elected for a second term as a member before being considered for a second year as Board Chair.

The roles for the remaining Board Members are as follows:

  • Two Leads for Membership, Nominations and Elections 
  • Two Leads for Programming, Conference, and Awards
  • Two Leads for Association Finances including Treasurer duties
  • Two Leads for Communications (Meeting minutes, Email, Publications, Publicity) 

The Board of Directors shall determine the leads from amongst the Board membership. Lead roles are for one year with the option to serve a second year as determined by Board consensus.

Section 2. Regular Meetings
At least four regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held each calendar year at such times and such places as the Board of Directors may determine. Notification of the time, place and proposed agenda shall be emailed to the members of the Board of Directors prior to each meeting, by the Communications Leads.

Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or held at the request of the Board Chair, or a majority of the members of the Board. Notice of the time and place of any special meeting shall be provided to each director via email at least three (3) days prior to the date of such special meeting.

Section 4. Parliamentary Procedure
Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 5. Quorum
A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors. However, if less than a majority is present at a meeting, a majority of the Directors present will adjourn the meeting and it will be rescheduled. Board members may send their proxy to the Chair of the Board prior to Board meetings.

Section 6. Conflict of Interest
Members of the Board of Directors:

  • May not be employed by MDLA on a contractual or full-time basis during their term in office.
  • May not receive compensation for performing the duties and responsibilities of their office.
  • May be reimbursed for justifiable expenses related to meetings and other duties of their office (mileage, postage, etc.).
  • Should remove themselves from the voting process when determining compensation, benefits, etc., for spouses, relatives, or in other circumstances where there is a potential conflict of interest.
  • Ensure that all compensation/salaries paid to any employee of the organization will be reasonable for the services rendered and comparable with other organizations.

Section 7. Duties of The Chair

The duties of the Chair shall be to function as the Executive Officer of the Association, to preside at all business meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors, and to carry out the instructions of the Board. The Chair, or their designee from the Board, shall represent the Association at any State or National meetings designated by the Board or to which they are invited for Association business. Expenses such as attendance/registration fee, lodging, meals, and travel up to a maximum as stated by the budget shall be paid by the Association. 

Section 8. Duties of Board Members

The duties of the Board Members shall be to function as the Leads for the following functional areas:

  • Membership, Nominations and Elections 
  • Programming, Conference, and Awards
  • Finances including Treasurer duties
  • Communications (Meeting minutes, Email, Publications, Publicity)

Board members may not incur any costs nor enter into any contracts for related Association business without the prior approval of the majority of the board.

Leads may recruit assistance from the general membership as needed and with documented notification to the board. Duties for the Leads of the respective functional areas are described as follows in this section.

  • Membership, Nominations and Election 
  1. Shall conduct the Election of Directors as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.
    1. Nomination – The Leads for Membership, Nominations, and Election shall begin the nomination procedure by January 20th of every year. Nomination forms shall be posted on the MDLA website and sent via email to all members. The nomination form shall list the available Board Positions, including all associated roles. A short description of the roles shall be found on the MDLA Web site and reference to that site should be included in the nomination form.
    2. Election and Term of Office – The Leads for Membership, Nominations and Election shall cause an online ballot to be prepared listing each candidate nominated by the Board, and also providing a space or spaces for a write-in candidate or candidates for each position as well. The ballots thus prepared shall be distributed to each member in good standing of the Association via email one month prior to the Spring Conference of each year. Each member shall be entitled to one vote for each officer to be elected and the candidates receiving a plurality of the votes cast for that office shall be deemed elected. Ballots shall be cast before or at the spring conference, and any ballots received subsequent to this deadline shall be invalid. The ballots shall be counted by the Leads for Membership, Nominations and Election and certified to the Board. The Leads for Communications shall announce the results to the membership in May of each year. All terms of office for officers of the Association shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30, unless such term begins on another date so as to fill a vacated officer position.
  2. Membership – The leads shall maintain accurate records of the membership, and shall in all appropriate ways, urge those who are eligible to become members of the Association.
  • Programming, Conference, and Awards
  1. Conferences – The leads shall plan, organize, and conduct the annual conference of the Association. The leads shall recommend to the Board for approval a date and site for the conference at least eight (8) months in advance. The leads shall form a committee to assist in all facets of the conference when appropriate.
  2. Programs/Professional Growth – The leads shall promote the professional development of the membership. At least three (3) programs will be offered each year. These may be in conjunction with other organizations.
  3. Awards – The leads shall coordinate the nomination and selection of those persons who shall be honored by the Association as directed by policies set by the Board. Awards are presented at the spring conference.
  • Finances including Treasurer duties
  1. Finance – The leads shall advise the Board on fiscal matters and prepare the annual budget of the Association. 
  2. Income and Expense – The leads shall be responsible for collecting all dues and other accounts due the Association, and deposit such funds in the name of Maryland Distance Learning Association in a financial institution approved by the Board of Directors. The leads will keep accounts of the sources of all income and the purposes of all expenditures, and provide a complete financial report for the Association membership at the annual meeting/conference with a revised and final report for the year being submitted to the Board of Directors no later than May 30 each year.
  • Communications (Meeting minutes, Email, Publications, Publicity)
  1. Official Records – The leads for Communications shall prepare and maintain official records of all membership and Board of Directors meeting agendas and minutes. These documents shall be shared with the appropriate parties at the designated times as outlined in the By-Laws.
  2. Publications – The leads shall manage the official publications, email communications, and social media presence of Maryland Distance Learning Association. The leads shall also be responsible for maintaining the MDLA Website.
  3. Publicity – The leads shall use all appropriate means to acquaint the educational community and the public with the role and importance of MDLA, and the associated Mission and Vision.

Section 9. Vacancies of Office
Any vacancy occurring in a Board of Directors shall be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining directors. A director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of their predecessor in office. Should a vacancy occur in the Office of Chair, the remaining members of the Board shall select a replacement from the current Board members to assume the duties of the Chair and serve the unexpired term of their predecessor. The Board of Directors shall then appoint a member to complete the term of the vacated Board position.

Section 10. Reorganization or Revision of Leads
When the Board of Directors determines the division of tasks or revision of tasks assigned to leads is necessary for the good of the Association, it shall state the purpose and rationale of the changes for inclusion in the Minutes of the Association. Should it be necessary, the Board shall initiate an Amendment to revise the Bylaws, to be voted upon at the subsequent membership meeting.

Section 11. Special or Ad-Hoc Committee
Due to mitigating circumstances or special projects, there may be a need for a Special or Ad-Hoc committee. When a Special or Ad-Hoc Committee is created by the Board, the Chair shall appoint a Chair and member of the Committee to carry out the purpose for which it was created.